TGCC 2009 Day 3 – Coscon: Movie Themed – PART 1

Here are the photos I took from Coscon 2009 yesterday. Quite a lot of cosplayer I saw, maybe because Day 3 is only for Movie Themed Competition only? Anyway there were some anime cosplayer too.

DSC05075 DSC05081

Warning!!! A lot of photo ahead!!

Continue reading “TGCC 2009 Day 3 – Coscon: Movie Themed – PART 1”

License2Play Day 2: Cosplay Competition!

Sebenernya sih lebih banyak event game sama jualan elektronik, tapi ada acara cosplaynya juga, jadilah gw dateng. Kamera pinjem punya temen (Sony A200 w/ standard18-70mm lens) dan karena ngga ada flash, terpaksa ISO dinaekin ke 3200…

Space Marine! Attack!!!

Di sini cosplayer nya pada serius buat propnya…

Buat sendiri katanyaAbis brp buat 1 kostum?

dan ada juga cosplayer dari Jakarta yang bela-belain dateng ke sini!


dan ada accident! Semangat banget sampe jatoooo

Kebablasaannn dan mendarat di bawah panggung

Continue reading “License2Play Day 2: Cosplay Competition!”