The continuation from previous post!
All photos taken with Sony Alpha 200 with kit lens and ISO 400-1600.
Continue reading “TGCC 2009 Day 4 – Coscon Anime Themed – Part 2”
small collection of my stuff!
The continuation from previous post!
All photos taken with Sony Alpha 200 with kit lens and ISO 400-1600.
Continue reading “TGCC 2009 Day 4 – Coscon Anime Themed – Part 2”
Sebenernya sih lebih banyak event game sama jualan elektronik, tapi ada acara cosplaynya juga, jadilah gw dateng. Kamera pinjem punya temen (Sony A200 w/ standard18-70mm lens) dan karena ngga ada flash, terpaksa ISO dinaekin ke 3200…
Di sini cosplayer nya pada serius buat propnya…
dan ada juga cosplayer dari Jakarta yang bela-belain dateng ke sini!
dan ada accident! Semangat banget sampe jatoooo
This is my first cosplay event in Singapore, if I do something wrong, please tell me!
Anyway, I heard SOYA 2009 from my friend and actually there is one more cosplay event held in the same day, but I choose SOYA because it is free! The other one, Cosplay Challenge 09, there is $10 dollar fee, and I already tired to go there.