Danbooru Slideshow Gadget 20100720

UPDATED in here.


  • Add more options in settings page: tags, limit, page, rating, username, and password hash.
  • Search query will be filled based on those options, or you can fill it manually.
  • Update the icon.

If someone can design better UI for this gadget, please tell me. This gadget built only using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Download link here.

Danbooru Slideshow Windows Gadget

UPDATED in here.

Tried to make windows sidebar gadget, and this is the result 🙂


  • Pure html/css/javascript :).
  • Only support XML (if someone know how to do cross domain JSON for *booru, please tell me, they don’t support jsonp).
  • Clickable image, hover for tags.

  • Customizable provider (the danbooru url) and query (usually /post/index.xml?your-search-query-here).
  • Adjustable slide show interval and list update.

Get it here. As usual, use at your own risk, still need to learn more stuff 🙂