Pixiv Batch Downloader

UPDATE: check here.

I like to go to Pixiv and download the images from there, because a lot of images that I want to save, it is painful to save it manually. So I tried to look up an apps to do it more efficiently. Then I found Ank pixiv, an addons for Firefox, but it doesn’t offer batch download. So I tried to look another alternative, then I found this, but it also doesn’t offer batch download. Inspired from the script, I tried to make it better, so I made a Pixiv Batch Downloader, this apps will download all images from 1 member id at pixiv.

You can download it here the new one.

How to use:

  1. Extract the zip file to new folder.
  2. Run the pixivUtil.exe
  3. Type your Username and password, press enter. It will try to log in
  4. After log in, enter the member id.
  5. It will look up all the images and save it to your current folder

Note: you can fill the username and password in the file config.ini (open it using wordpad) and setting the proxy by fill the address and set useProxy = True.

Note: you must set your regional setting to Japanese!

  • Windows XP: go to Control Panel->Regional and Language Options-> Advanced -> Language for non-unicode program, set it into Japanese.
  • Windows Vista/7: Control Panel ->Region and Language -> Administrative-> Language for non-unicode program -> Change System locale, set into Japanese

This program is made using python, and here is the source the new one.

Note: you need to download and install Python26, BeautifulSoup and mechanize to compile it.

Note: this is the first time I’m using Python to make this.


  • update the downloader now, because they change the login form order, now add form_order at the config.ini and put the correct number (from 0 to 1), need to download the file again
  • add extra feature ๐Ÿ™‚ Put list.txt on the same folder, and it will read the list of member_id(1 id per line) , ie:
  • 12345
    # every line with #prefix will be skipped

Danbooru Downloader?

UPDATED here, please check my latest post.

Iseng buat program untuk download gambar dari danbooru, masi versi alpha jadinya masih ada bug nya.

Yang pasti sih jalan dan uda bisa buat download gambarnya. Sementara baru bisa buat download dari sankaku channel, danbooru sama moe.imouto.

Dibuat dalam bahasa C# dengan Visual Studio Express 2008, jadinya butuh .NET (disarankan pakai yang versi 3.5, walau versi 2.0 juga jalan.)

Cara pakai:

  1. Setelah diinstall/extract, cukup jalankan exenya saja.
  2. Minimal ketik tag yang dicari, dan kalau perlu informasi lainnya
  3. Secara default, limit yang ditampilkan adalah 10 (bisa ditambah kalau internetnya cepat)
  4. Tentukan provider/*booru yang akan dicari
  5. Tekan tombol Get, tunggu beberapa saat.
  6. dd01

  7. klik tombol list XML, pada status bar akan tercantum jumlah post yang ada dan tunggu sampai thumbnailnya muncul. Page akan ditambah otomatis, jadi kalau mau ambil selanjutnya cukup klik Get lagi.
  8. dd02

  9. Cukup beri tanda centang pada gambar yang mau diambil dan klik download. Jangan lupa set direktori downloadnya (defaultnya C:)
  10. dd03

  11. Cukup klik Get lagi untuk ke halaman selanjutnya.

Link: Installer or Extract

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Gak tanggung jawab kalo ada apa-apa, tapi mustinya ngga bakalan sampe ngerusak OS ato ngedelete file. Post bug di sini, tapi ngga dijamin dijawab, kekekekkee

Beli Laptop Baru

Beli laptop buat adek gw, lumayan dapet dari cuci gudang. Yang mustinya harga S$1600an jadi cuman S$600 doank!

Dapet model NEC Versa S5600, layar 12.1″ Widescreen, Core 2 Duo, RAM 2 GB, Intel GMA45, HDD 320 GB, WiFi+BlueTooth, Webcam, DVDRW Super Multi, dll (google aja dah!) cuman ngga ada windowsnya (no OS/FreeDOS), ya ud kesempatan install Windows 7 sekalian lewat flashdisk.

Dan lumayan VGA onBoardnya, paling ngga ud support HD Video Acceleration(?, jalanin H.264+postprocessing sih mulus ya)…

Rasanya pengen gw HM!

Back to singapore

Kemaren baru tiba di Singapura, setelah sempet ditunda pesawatnya dan pontang-panting ngurus bebas fiskal (ternyata harus sudah tinggal di luar selama 6 bulan, dan gw ngga dikasi tau soal itu….) yang untungnya bisa pake npwp orang tua (dengan menyertakan fotokopi kk…)

Ternyata penundaan penerbangan itu menjadi sebuah blessing in disguise… Coba ngga ditunda, mana sempet gw ngurus begituan dan harus bayar 2,5juta buat fiskal… Cara kerja Tuhan itu memang unik…

So akhirnya gw balik juga ke Singapura.

Begitu sampe di sini, tau2 di sms kalo komputer gw di rumah rusak lagi gara2 di install game online sama adek gw…. KAN UD DIBILANG JANGAN DIUTAK ATIK!!!!!!!! Rasain deh ngga bs online sana!

Di Changi

Dari kampus jam 9 malem langsung balik ke tempat kos, trus langsung ke Changi Airport nginep semaleman dan foto2 gila2an (mumpung sepi), akhirnya masuk check-in juga.

Komentar gw yang pertama: Gile ketat bo penjagaannya… gw lupa kalo ada cutter di kotak pensil gw, pas lewat x-ray langsung disuruh keluarin trus langsung di sita! Sial, padahal yang mereknya Maped (lumayan bagus tu, walau gw dapet gratis XD). Tohohoho….

Yang kedua: Asik banget ada WiFi gratis satu ariport. Tinggal pake Wireless@SG, daftarnya ngga ribet. Tinggal buka laptop, buka alamat apa aja (nanti diredirect ke halaman login) trus daftar!

[URL=http://www.speedtest.net][IMG]http://www.speedtest.net/result/433109623.png[/IMG][/URL] Itu tuh hasilnya!

Yah sejauh ini sih lancar2 aja ๐Ÿ™‚

Upgrading Notebook Memory

Today, I go to Sim Lim Square to buy notebook memory. My current notebook (Asus W3H00A) only have 512MB installed (and only run in PC-3200…), so I checked the price in this site (good site for comparing hardware price in singapore and make your searching easier).

After getting the best price for memory (I choose Kingston SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 1GB) only for Sing.$16 (about120.000rupiah), I go to the shop immediatly and buy it!

Then I go install it. Unexpected by me (yes, I never open the memory compartement in my notebook before…), the default memory installed is no in here or it may be soldered on the notebook board it self! So my new memory must run in the slower speed (PC5300->PC32000). Well, at least it working, I’ve tested it with Memtest, and it show no error.

And it does make my notebook go smoother, no more slow paging from the main memory to hdd when loading programs. That’s only for Sing.$16!

Test Internet di Airport…

Sekarang lagi di airport, lagi nunggu pesawat di HSBC Lounge skalian makan dan coba2 wifinya..

and ini hasilnya buat link local ke JAkarta
Speed Test HSBC Lounge

skarang coba link internationalnya ke yokohama
Speed Test HSBC Lounge

dan untuk kecepatan aktualnya: test donlod torrent ini pake utorrent dan hasilnya lumayan gila, bisa mentok 100KB/s dengan upload di limit 5KB/s, tapi kalo uplod ngga di limit ngedrop. Cuman stlh bbrp lama ngedrop jadi 10KB/s

btw sempet ketinggalan passport di imigrasi bandara, untung orangnya baik danย  mau nganterin… syuukkuurr

Damn Chinese(?) Virus!

Damn! Just f***ing damned!

My AVG8Free wont detect it… Even I install another antivirus (Avast! Free), they also do not detect it…

Why I know I get a virus? My upload suddenly go up, and there a lot of connection being made to unknown IP address, but everything is go to port 445(Microsoft-ds/NetBIOS) and I using a program to watch my Windows Folder (Spy-The-Spy), I get unknown dlls…

When I know what dlls to kill, I’m using Process Explorer to find the dll and close the handle, after that kill the process (svchost.exe, it’s a legal process and used for many things) and after that quarantine/delete the virus….

Also I checked the registry for unknown services at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSvcHostnetsvcs and delete the services (usualy they using random string)…

Currently I’m blocking port 137-139 and 445 (that’s the port used for Microsoft-DS) using my firewall….