Damn! Just f***ing damned!
My AVG8Free wont detect it… Even I install another antivirus (Avast! Free), they also do not detect it…
Why I know I get a virus? My upload suddenly go up, and there a lot of connection being made to unknown IP address, but everything is go to port 445(Microsoft-ds/NetBIOS) and I using a program to watch my Windows Folder (Spy-The-Spy), I get unknown dlls…
When I know what dlls to kill, I’m using Process Explorer to find the dll and close the handle, after that kill the process (svchost.exe, it’s a legal process and used for many things) and after that quarantine/delete the virus….
Also I checked the registry for unknown services at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSvcHostnetsvcs and delete the services (usualy they using random string)…
Currently I’m blocking port 137-139 and 445 (that’s the port used for Microsoft-DS) using my firewall….