pixiv downloader 20161207

  • Implement #149: APNG generation. Set createApng = True in config.ini to enable.
  • Implement #172: Modify option 4 to allow download by member id list and tag.
  • Implement #174: Allow custom avatar name format, refer to readme.txt for available format. Set blank to use default behaviour.
  • implement #177: Allow custom current date format, refer to readme.txt for formating syntax.

Note: whitecube support is still experimental and only partially implemented (option 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11)
Donate http://bit.ly/PixivUtilDonation

Download link for latest version, source code in GitHub.

EDIT: small fix for oldui, please re-download the latest version (20161207).

8 thoughts on “pixiv downloader 20161207”

  1. Traceback :
    File “pixivUtil2.py”, line 1888, in
    File “pixivUtil2.py”, line 1774, in main
    File “pixivHelper.pyc”, line 311, in toUnicode

    UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xb1 in position 3: invalid start byte

    I can’t save pictures.
    when I implement pixivutil, It goes out by itself

    when It goes out, it was message of Pixivtuil.

    1. check your filepath of the application, if possible put is somewhere without special character, e.g.: c:\pixivdownloader\.

  2. I can’t save pictures.
    when I implement pixivutil, It goes out by itself
    Config is shown below.

    useproxy = False
    proxyaddress =
    useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.124 Safari/537.36
    userobots = True
    timeout = 60
    retry = 3
    retrywait = 5

    loglevel = DEBUG
    enabledump = True
    skipdumpfilter =
    dumpmediumpage = False
    dumptagsearchpage = False
    debughttp = False

    irfanviewpath = C:\Program Files\IrfanView
    startirfanview = False
    startirfanslide = False
    createdownloadlists = False

    filenameformat = %artist% (%member_id%)\%urlFilename% – %title%
    filenamemangaformat = %artist% (%member_id%)\%urlFilename% – %title%
    avatarnameformat =
    downloadlistdirectory = .
    uselist = False
    processfromdb = True
    overwrite = False
    tagsseparator = ,
    daylastupdated = 7
    rootdirectory = .
    alwayscheckfilesize = False
    checkupdatedlimit = 0
    downloadavatar = True
    createmangadir = False
    usetagsasdir = False
    useblacklisttags = False
    usesuppresstags = False
    tagslimit = -1
    writeimageinfo = False
    datediff = 0
    backupoldfile = False
    writeugoirainfo = False
    createugoira = False
    deletezipfile = False
    enableinfiniteloop = False
    verifyimage = False
    writeurlindescription = False
    urlblacklistregex =
    urldumpfilename = url_list_%Y%m%d
    dbpath =
    creategif = False
    useblacklistmembers = False
    createapng = False

    username =
    password =
    cookie =
    keepsignedin = 0

    numberofpage = 0

  3. Pictures can not be stored by artist.
    All files will be saved to the root specified as “Rootdirectory”.
    Config is shown below.

    Filenameformat =% member_id% -% urlFilename%
    FileNameMangaFormat =% member_id% -% urlFilename%
    Avatarnameformat =
    DownloadListDirectory =.
    Uselist = False
    Processfromdb = True
    Overwrite = False
    Tagsseparator =,
    Daylastupdated = 7
    Rootdirectory = G: \
    Alwayscheckfilesize = False
    Checkupdatedlimit = 0
    Downloadavatar = True
    Createmangadir = False
    Usetagsasdir = False
    Useblacklisttags = False
    Usesuppresstags = False
    Tagslimit = -1
    Writeimageinfo = False
    Datediff = 0
    Backupoldfile = False
    Writeugoirainfo = False
    Createugoira = False
    Deletezipfile = False
    Enableinfiniteloop = False
    Verifyimage = False
    Writeurlindescription = False
    Urlblacklistregex =
    Urldumpfilename = url_list_% Y% m% d
    Dbpath =
    Creategif = False
    Useblacklistmembers = False
    Createapng = False [Settings]
    Filenameformat =% member_id% -% urlFilename%
    FileNameMangaFormat =% member_id% -% urlFilename%
    Avatarnameformat =
    DownloadListDirectory =.
    Uselist = False
    Processfromdb = True
    Overwrite = False
    Tagsseparator =,
    Daylastupdated = 7
    Rootdirectory = G: \
    Alwayscheckfilesize = False
    Checkupdatedlimit = 0
    Downloadavatar = True
    Createmangadir = False
    Usetagsasdir = False
    Useblacklisttags = False
    Usesuppresstags = False
    Tagslimit = -1
    Writeimageinfo = False
    Datediff = 0
    Backupoldfile = False
    Writeugoirainfo = False
    Createugoira = False
    Deletezipfile = False
    Enableinfiniteloop = False
    Verifyimage = False
    Writeurlindescription = False
    Urlblacklistregex =
    Urldumpfilename = url_list_% Y% m% d
    Dbpath =
    Creategif = False
    Useblacklistmembers = False
    Createapng = False

    1. It won’t because you set the filenamename format %member_id% -%urlFilename%, and I notice duplicates keys in your config.ini

      use a path separator \ to create sub-folder, e.g. %member_id%\%urlFilename%

  4. I am pretty sure this has been asked.
    But is there a way to run this great tool on Mac?

  5. Thank you very much for the custom date format, works wonderfully, really appreciate it =).

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