Change Log:
- Add option to disable list file generation of downloaded images (Issue #53).
- Update message for Batch Job (Issue #48).
Download link for danbooru downloader 20150116, source code in GitHub.
Donation Link on the side bar ==> 😀
small collection of my stuff!
Change Log:
Download link for danbooru downloader 20150116, source code in GitHub.
Donation Link on the side bar ==> 😀
Comments are closed.
On 22th may, danbooru got blocked because internet positif.
Makes the downloader can’t download the image, i tried batch mode it said batch job complete but not a single image was downloaded.
I also tried to update tags xml then there’s error ” html xmln, was not expected ”
Could this because danbooru got blocked on my country ?
>> internet positif
yap, kena sensor sama pemerintah. cari proxy deh 😛
>> update xml
same issues, due to the xml content is being replaced by the censored warning.
klo pake proxy masih bsa pake danbooru downloader nya gan ?
saya coba pake anonymox lewat extension chrome ga jalan batch downloadnya.
tergantung proxynya diblok sama danbooru ngga? cobain pake tor deh.
umm how to load all pages?
Not really possible, you need to load it one by one. You can use limit function to load more images (not all board support this)
oh btw how can I make my batch download save it to folder of the name of the artist instead of the provider?
like “gia” instead of “SankakuComplex” folder
oh nevermind sir I found the solution
The limit function does not appear to work for the “main tab” when using the sankaku (https) portion of the drop down menu. I set the limit to 1,000. However, it only loads 20 at a time.
Sankaku block the limit function (no API access), so cannot use it.
I keep getting an error whenever I try to download something from Gelbooru. The error says ” was not expected.
*html xmlns=” was not expected
It wouldn’t display it because it had brackets.
what is your settings? can you open
Thank you!