New application for downloading from Nijie.Info
- Image Browsing by Member ID or Search Tag.
- Batch Download by Member ID, Image ID, or Search Tag
- Windows XP SP2 and up.
- .Net Framework 4
- Working internet connection.
Download Link for Nijie Downloader, Source Code in GitHub.
Use with your own risk, no warranty is provided. If got any issue related to the software, please create it on GitHub Issue Tracker.
Note: This is just an experimental release, as I’m using this for learning WPF 😛
Also if possible please add {image title} tag support for filenames.
Great project.
Would like it to have support of:
– list.txt or similar for batch-dl by several member id.
– support for “” in filenames, with auto-creating necessary folders.
– auto-login option.
More stuff: On the Batch Download page, the buttons Start / Pause / Stop don’t seem to do anything once Start has been clicked once. On the Process Member page, after Fetching images I don’t see anything downloaded to the folder, and clicking Fetch Images again, the program crashed.
I’ve added the login info, set the download directory, and started to try using the Batch download function, by selecting “Member” from the drop-down list, and then just entering the member id, and clicking OK. However, it is stuck on “Parsing member image.” When I quit the program the first try, it only saved a single 0KB file (with correct tags and format, i.e. .jpg-somethingnjie, but in the main directory, as opposed to the way Pixiv Downloader does it).
I definitely like the batch function (no idea why I’ve not looked into PixivDownloader’s memberid batch function yet…)
I also notice that there doesn’t appear to be a way to save the batch status, which would be helpful in the case of a program exit. The default “0” in the member / image id field does not go away when you click or input a member id, even though it doesn’t seem to change the member id (i.e., 01234 just saves the member id 1234), so if anybody is wondering you don’t have to manually delete that.
Good Job!!
This app’s UI is beautifull.
I feel more opption about Filename Format is good
that add {memberName} and {imageTitle} about makeFilename method.
If I knew how to use GitHub and speak English, I’ll help you.
But this app has many forced termination.
When I push Fetch Images button, this app force terminated bucause Member ID was blank.
Yap, I haven’t add much validation, as I mostly testing on the normal usage 😀