Change Log:
- Change matching mode for Tag Blacklist to equals ignore case.
- Add option to use Regex for Tag Blacklist and Tag Ignore.
- Refactor DanbooruPostDao.
- Use BackgroundWorker for loading downloaded list.
Download link for Danbooru Downloader 20121026, source code in GitHub. Donation link in here or in the sidebar 😀.
EDIT: Update zip file to include DanbooruProviderList.xml
Uhmmm… Can you please explain in brief how to use this software? I keep geting either Unexpected Error handler or No post problem. I don’t know what to do, even though i already filled the box in the main tab with (supposedly) right tags/provide etc. Sorry for the useless question, but its my first time using this software and i keep getting the same error (Even though i already read the readme.txt too).
Can you give me the screen shot/more details? Can you give me the log file? If the log file says
Unhandled Exception System.IO.FileNotFoundException
, redownload the zip file again to get theDanbooruProviderList.xml
I already have the xml file too. Well yeah, i bet there is something wrong with my input in the form >.< , and one more question, i put both the log4net, and html agility pack in exact same folder with the downloader's file, did the problems are caused by that? if so, where should i put both of them, any specific directory? Thanks and sorry for the (again) newb question.
remove the source text box. That one is for defining source image search (without https)
Nah, Whenever i remove it from the source box, an error occured : System.InvalidOperationException: was not expected.
at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderDanbooruTagCollection.Read5_tags()
based from the error message, does the error come from the tags?
probably, can you delete the old tags.xml and do update from Settings Tab?
Wow, its just as you said, the error exactly comes from the tags.xml file, when i update it, it works just fine, thanks!
I was going to make a danbooru downloader a couple of months ago, found yours, and never bothered writing my own. One thing I always planned to put in, however, was metadata tags. Is that something you’ve considered/discarded?
Any examples? The only tags I have implemented is on the image tag only, such as: artist, circle, characters, etc.
Anyway, the source code is on GitHub if you want to extend the tags parsing 😀
I meant the “tags” field of image metadata. It’s a list field, separated by semicolons. That would mean that not everything would be in the filename, which would mean shorter filenames (good on Windows pre-Win8) and ensure that images with a lot of search tags would be able to include them all (I don’t think there’s a cap?). In addition, other info could be put in metadata, as an increasing number of search and image management programs make good use of metadata.
I think I will fork this if I get the time, and will link when/if I finish 🙂
Is it possible to add a functionality where the user can right click on a thumb and add the “artist” tag to batch download?
I’ll see about it, meanwhile you can put your request in here:
add pinterest please. ^_^ for download
I’m not using pinterest, so nope :D.
You can extends the downloader, the source code is in GitHub.
Hey nandaka, can you make a tutorial for this downloader? It looks really promising, but I don’t know what 90% of the features are and how they work.
I also keep getting only 20 results… I’m changing the limit by going to (for example) danbooru->edit->defaultlimit but it doesn’t do anything. I have no idea how the full batch works either…
Sorry for being such a noob….
I’m using it to download all pictures from booru-like sites that fit 3+ tags. Just that.
Some *booru limit the number of returned query even you overwrite the number of limit (Sankaku Complex). The default limit is more like for your information only.
For tutorial, currently I don’t have and don’t plan to write one :(, check the readme.txt first and you can just ask in here or just try it yourself 🙂
please make batch mode query name to save
Can you give more details?
It seems like I’m doing something wrong. The program never opens. An icon comes up in my notification icons bar and then disappears.
What’s on log file? Try to update your .Net Framework.
>> Could not find file ‘DanbooruDownloader20121026DanbooruProviderList.xml’.
Download the zip file again and extract DanbooruProviderList.xml and put it into you application folder.
But that’s not in the zip….
Only 6 files: readme.txt, 2 .dlls, .manifest, .exe.config and .exe.
Update the zip file: 😀
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you, updated on my b-day 😀
Happy B-Day 😀