11 thoughts on “pixiv downloader 20121013”

  1. I ran into this error downloading my bookmarks, apparently the user changed the image to only be visible to people on their My Pixiv list after I had seen it and bookmarked it, and this caused PixivDownloader to error out:

    Processing Image Id: 28688383
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 540, in processImage
    File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 199, in __init__
    File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 253, in ParseInfo
    AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find’
    Error at processImage(): (, AttributeError(“‘N
    oneType’ object has no attribute ‘find'”,), )
    Dumping html to: Error Medium Page for image 28688383.html
    Error at processImageBookmark(): (, AttributeE
    rror(“‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find'”,), )
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1414, in main
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1194, in menuDownloadFromOnlineImageBookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 837, in processImageBookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 540, in processImage
    File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 199, in __init__
    File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 253, in ParseInfo
    AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find’

    This is the image page: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28688383

  2. Hello! I always get this error 🙁

    PixivUtil20121013 – ERROR – Unknown Error: timed out
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1418, in main
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1217, in menuDownloadNewIllustFromBookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 931, in processNewIllustFromBookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 538, in processImage
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 203, in open
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 249, in _mech_open
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 308, in _set_response
    File “mechanize_html.pyc”, line 623, in set_response
    File “mechanize_response.pyc”, line 190, in read
    File “socket.pyc”, line 351, in read
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 541, in read
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 601, in _read_chunked
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 647, in _safe_read
    File “socket.pyc”, line 380, in read

    1. Based on the error message PixivUtil20121013 – ERROR – Unknown Error: timed out, probably it is a network issue.
      The connection to Pixiv server is timed-out.

  3. Could someone please tell me how this software works? What OS do you need? How do you use it? I can’t find anything that help me out (not even a video). Please respond to this.

  4. Thanks for the update.

    Btw, is there a way to download images from ” new submissions from favorite users”?

    1. Nope. If you can provide the link to be parsed, maybe I can do something.

      There is an option 8, which download the new illustration from bookmarked user, is this similar with you want?

  5. I have been running the program in windows and it’s been working great. I wanted to move it to my Linux file server so I am running from source. Option 8 works as expected but when I run option 5 it returns no data. In windows it returns everything, how can I debug this?

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