Change log:
- Fix batch download limit detection as reported by Q.
- Uncheck Auto Load Next Page if get list is failed.
- Fix xml parser for relative url as reported by m00kz.
- Fix list loading.
- Fix batch download as reported by saviorz.
- Increase max filename length to 255 characters.
- Add Clear Completed Batch Job button as requested by Xemnarth.
- Add progress bar for batch job download (per provider).
And finally implement a feature to remember field entries in the add batch job form as shown below:
Many thanks in advance.
I would also very much appreciate if you could add an option to auto-retry downloading batch jobs on error. 🙂
Just make a simple Clear button which will remove everything whether completed, incomplete, or aborted jobs.
Hiya, I will add the clear button. Apparently if the abort on error is checked, the Start Job Button state is not set to enabled again. This also will be fixed in the next release.
Thanks for the update.
I hope the Clear Button also removes incomplete jobs.
It doesn’t. I can’t clear aborted batch jobs.
It only clear completed job, I will update in next release.
You should because it’s not even possible to start a new batch download if the current download returns an error.
In other words, you have to restart the program every time you encounter an error.