Change log:
- update DBManager to save custom folder from list.txt as requested by Anomalous.
- fix download proxy error.
- change default value ‘alwayscheckfilesize’ to ‘False’.
- refactor some method to new file.
small collection of my stuff!
Comments are closed.
A couple things I hope for in this program (if you could?)
1: A setting for downloading R-18 images into an optional sub-folder would be useful…
2: Being able to simply download an artist’s entire gallery (by clicking the Downloader’s button while on the Artist’s Works page?) would be amazing!
“>> Favorite users ID collector?
please elaborate?” should be at this url it’s like bookmarking your favorite artists rather than just the images themselves
I’ll see about that…
Amazing program but I’m having a problem using lists.
PixivDownloader2 version 20110924
Reading config file… done.
Creating database… done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 699, in main
File “PixicModel.pyc”, line 247, in parseList
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘xffxfe#’
proxyaddress =
useproxy = False
useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Unix i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1
debughttp = False
userobots = True
filenameformat = %member_token% [%artist%] %member_id%%image_id% – %title%
timeout = 60
uselist = True
processfromdb = True
overwrite = False
tagsseparator = ,
daylastupdated = 7
rootdirectory = D:DownloadsPixiv
retry = 3
retrywait = 5
createdownloadlists = True
downloadlistdirectory = D:DownloadsPixiv
irfanviewpath = C:Program FilesIrfanView
startirfanview = False
startirfanslide = False
alwayscheckfilesize = False
checkupdatedlimit = 0
downloadavatar = True
#ahashima / あはし
3135747 “%root%ahashima [あはし] 3135747”
#manekin-eko / にゅう
1010501 “%root%manekin-eko [にゅう] 1010501”
save the list.txt as utf-8 or normal text files.
Ahh, of course. That makes sense.
Thanks and keep up the great work. By far the best little program for pixiv.
Still missing..
Favorite users ID collector?
making a new directory for images stored in Manga mode?
>> Favorite users ID collector?
please elaborate?
>> making a new directory for images stored in Manga mode?
can do this, wait for the next release.
Can new directories for the manga images be an option? I personally prefer to keep everything from a Pixiv gallery in one folder.
Related to that, was it intentional to make list.txt files pointing to specific download directories follow the filenameformat config rules? This previously wasn’t the case – if I had a list formatted as “0000 K:Pixiv & SiteArtist Name”, it’d save the files straight into that directory, ignoring the filenameformat setting – but within the last couple of updates it’s stopped doing that. Instead it’s now sticking the “%member_id% – %member_token%%image_id%” format folders that I use for the initial mass-grabs of galleries into the final, orgainized folders that I have sorted out to my preference (English name or closest I can find for the folder title, Pixiv files all in the top level, homepage/blog/Drawr/Twitpic/etc in sub-folders – hence my previously stated preference regarding the manga mode).
I’ve found that I can avoid this by changing the setting to just “%image_id%” when running my update lists (changing it back when I do the initial mass-grabs), but it damn near made a mess out of my last update. Luckily I noticed it was doing that before I went to bed, so it only made a few folders full of redundant images to clean up.
Awesome work as per usual.
One question: There isnt way to download an artists bookmarked pictures is there?..
nope 🙂
Thank you, Nandaka! Your hard work is greatly appreciated.