Change log:
- Fix filename bug if you are using member_id=directory format in the list.txt.
- Add option ‘downloadAvatar’ to download artist profile avatar.
Download link here, source code here.
For those who upload the apps to other place, please link back to my blog.Thanks 🙂
Thanks, I finally figured it out.
‘123456 %root%Test’ coupled with ‘processfromdb = false’ worked.
However, is there no way to make ‘processfromdb’ work with the ‘member_id+directory’ format?
The reason for all these is because some artists have names in japanese. Now I want to put them in custom folders so I can recognize them easier. Also, disabling ‘processfromdb’ keeps the app from finding missing images (in case I accidentally delete or modify them).
I hope this made sense. Thanks again!
currently no, but I’ll try to add it in the next release.
Those settings makes it ignore the list.txt. Is there a way to have it regard what I have in the list and also the checkupdatedlimit?
Try only set the alwayscheckfilesize = False.
>Try only set the alwayscheckfilesize = False.
That works for me, thank you.
There is author with more that 1300 works. Downloading it takes time. More that 5 hours for me. So, I really want to speed up it somehow.
And I am not so worried about hammering the server. Usually I use 3 or 4 downloaders at once.
Also, what exactly checkUpdatedLimit does?
checkUpdatedLimit ==> Number of already downloaded image limit before move to the next member. So if the downloader see the last n image is already downloaded, it will move to the next member so it doesn’t go to check all of the images, usually I’m setting it to 5.
Thank you.
I am an idiot. Disabling “alwayscheckfilesize” allows downloader to skip already loaded files very fast.
I want to use the “checkUpdatedLimit”, but it doesn’t seem to work for me, it just goes over ALL the files the artist has. I changed my config.ini so the list.txt works, but what is my config supposed to look like to make the “checkUpdatedLimit” work?
proxyaddress =
useproxy = False
useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Unix i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1
debughttp = False
userobots = True
filenameformat = %member_token% (%member_id%)%image_id%
timeout = 60
uselist = True
processfromdb = False
overwrite = False
tagsseparator = ,
daylastupdated = 7
rootdirectory = E:Downloaded
retry = 999
retrywait = 5
createdownloadlists = False
downloadlistdirectory = .
irfanviewpath = C:Program FilesIrfanView
startirfanview = False
startirfanslide = False
alwayscheckfilesize = True
checkupdatedlimit = 5
numberofpage = 0
alwayscheckfilesize = False processfromdb = True
Could you add ability to download in threads, to improve speed? Or ability to download by author, starting from specified page? Please.
I can add download from specific page for the download by author. As for the multithread downloading, I’m not really comfortable to hammering the server with multiple request at once 🙁