UPDATE: check here.
I like to go to Pixiv and download the images from there, because a lot of images that I want to save, it is painful to save it manually. So I tried to look up an apps to do it more efficiently. Then I found Ank pixiv, an addons for Firefox, but it doesn’t offer batch download. So I tried to look another alternative, then I found this, but it also doesn’t offer batch download. Inspired from the script, I tried to make it better, so I made a Pixiv Batch Downloader, this apps will download all images from 1 member id at pixiv.
You can download it here the new one.

How to use:
- Extract the zip file to new folder.
- Run the pixivUtil.exe
- Type your Username and password, press enter. It will try to log in
- After log in, enter the member id.
- It will look up all the images and save it to your current folder
Note: you can fill the username and password in the file config.ini (open it using wordpad) and setting the proxy by fill the address and set useProxy = True.
Note: you must set your regional setting to Japanese!
- Windows XP: go to Control Panel->Regional and Language Options-> Advanced -> Language for non-unicode program, set it into Japanese.
- Windows Vista/7: Control Panel ->Region and Language -> Administrative-> Language for non-unicode program -> Change System locale, set into Japanese
This program is made using python, and here is the source the new one.
Note: you need to download and install Python26, BeautifulSoup and mechanize to compile it.
Note: this is the first time I’m using Python to make this.