Pixiv Downloader 20100701

Update 🙂

  • Add option to specify the root directory for saving (config.ini -> rootdirectory, keep empty for save to the same folder)
  • Add option to specify the tag separator (config.ini -> tagsseparator, use %space% for spacebar)
  • Add option to specify limit for day last updated for batch update (config.ini -> daylastupdated, set to 0 to select all member_id, processfromdb must be set to True)

Download Link here, source code here.

UPDATED: Pixiv Downloader 20100623

Update of my apps 🙂


  • use sqllite for tracking all downloaded images.
  • add new options in config.ini
  • uselist = if True, it will import the list.txt into the database. If False, won’t import the list.txt
  • processfromdb = if True, it will use the list in the database for downloading. If False, use list.txt
  • If both set to False, it will ask for the member_id

You can get it in here, and for the source code in here. Use this one (source)

As usual, use at your own risk. No warranty given :).


  • As mentioned by Anonymous, I forgot to add the page limiter, Fixed in the 20100627 version.
  • Requested by Moko, I’ve add the support for tags and member token for the filename format, use %tags% and %member_token%. If you use %tags%, please be warned if the filename maybe longer than 250++ character long and may cause error (windows filename limit).

UPDATED: Pixiv Batch Downloader v.20100205

UPDATE: use this. Please check my recent post for latest updates and click the donate button XD.

I have updated my Pixiv Batch downloader. Here is the link. use this one :P, a little bit fix so use this orz.

Continue reading “UPDATED: Pixiv Batch Downloader v.20100205”

Pixiv Batch Downloader

UPDATE: check here.

I like to go to Pixiv and download the images from there, because a lot of images that I want to save, it is painful to save it manually. So I tried to look up an apps to do it more efficiently. Then I found Ank pixiv, an addons for Firefox, but it doesn’t offer batch download. So I tried to look another alternative, then I found this, but it also doesn’t offer batch download. Inspired from the script, I tried to make it better, so I made a Pixiv Batch Downloader, this apps will download all images from 1 member id at pixiv.

You can download it here the new one.

How to use:

  1. Extract the zip file to new folder.
  2. Run the pixivUtil.exe
  3. Type your Username and password, press enter. It will try to log in
  4. After log in, enter the member id.
  5. It will look up all the images and save it to your current folder

Note: you can fill the username and password in the file config.ini (open it using wordpad) and setting the proxy by fill the address and set useProxy = True.

Note: you must set your regional setting to Japanese!

  • Windows XP: go to Control Panel->Regional and Language Options-> Advanced -> Language for non-unicode program, set it into Japanese.
  • Windows Vista/7: Control Panel ->Region and Language -> Administrative-> Language for non-unicode program -> Change System locale, set into Japanese

This program is made using python, and here is the source the new one.

Note: you need to download and install Python26, BeautifulSoup and mechanize to compile it.

Note: this is the first time I’m using Python to make this.


  • update the downloader now, because they change the login form order, now add form_order at the config.ini and put the correct number (from 0 to 1), need to download the file again
  • add extra feature 🙂 Put list.txt on the same folder, and it will read the list of member_id(1 id per line) , ie:
  • 12345
    # every line with #prefix will be skipped