17 thoughts on “danbooru downloader 20161009”

  1. Hello!
    I’m sorry but i’m getting a webclient error.
    I can’t really post the message – it’s on german – don’t think that it will help you much.
    Do you have an idea about making it work?

  2. Good to see your website up again man. Hmm, can you fix the problem on Sansaku Complex? “Error 429 Too many requests – please slow down”.
    Can you somehow slow down the download progress of this particular website or sth? Cus like if the tags got 1600 pictures. The program will only show 1/4 of the total pictures and the rest of them will not be downloaded 🙁

    1. Error 429 cannot be fixed, as this is set by server side to avoid downloader program.

      For picture limitation in sankaku, you need to provide the login using cookie method. Refer to readme.txt FAQ

      1. No i means the problems code, sorry.
        So can i login with username and password or Cookie via Setting tab?

  3. Hi, it’s the first time I use this program, is there any way to add specific tags xml for sankaku channel? It’s downloading hundreds of them and I’ve heard it can take up to 24 hours to download them all…

    1. might be not possible as sankaku doesn’t provide direct download of the tags.xml pages directly.

      Try to un-tick “Use Global Tags.xml” in Settings page, then it will use the actual tag category in the sankaku post page.


      1. I managed to get the tags using yandere, my problem now is that it only downloads 25 pages or 500 images 🙁

        1. I think you need to login to yande.re, else it will limit the search page.

          You can try username/password or cookie method (Follow below steps)
          1. Press F12 on your Chrome browser and select Network tab.
          2. Go to the booru site and login.
          3. Click one of the entry and copy the Cookie value from the Request Header.
          For gelbooru, it should like this: user_id=; pass_hash=
          For sankaku, login=; pass_hash=;
          4. Paste the Cookie value to the Username field.
          5. Set Login Type to Cookie. Refer to http://i.imgur.com/rCCjnPs.png

          1. I meant that I used the yande.re tags that also work for sankaku chan, my problem is with sankaku chan not yande.re, will it fix itself by making an account and following your instructions but applied to sankaku?

          2. Sorry I didn’t read your whole comment, I apologize, you indeed gave me instructions for sankaku, still I don’t understand the step 3

    1. They still allow you for searching, but with some limitation.
      Try to press Save first then press OK, else use notepad to edit DanbooruProviderList.xml and fill the cookie details.

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