19 thoughts on “pixiv downloader 20160927”

    1. I think you have the same issue with Deus Solaris, for some reason the site redirect you to the mobile page.
      This is what I get: http://imgur.com/a/SkekC

      If you access to the desktop page, try the cookie login method:
      1. Open Firefox/Chrome.
      2. Login to your pixiv.
      3. Right click the page and select View Page Info -> Security tab (Firefox), or
      Right click on the leftmost address bar/the (i) icon (Chrome)
      5. Click the View Cookies button.
      6. Look for Cookie named = PHPSESSID.
      7. Copy the content value.
      8. Open config.ini, go to [Authentication] section, paste the value to

  1. I am sorry, I have already tried but I do not know how to download with this. I did already fix the way to log in, but I just do not see an option to download images, yes I have read readme

    1. Option 1 – Download by member_id
      Option 2 – Download by image_id
      Option 3 – Download by tags

      you can get the id from the url from pixiv website

  2. Hi, I’m very thankful for your effort on this tool ^^
    I have a small problem that I never found before though, when I select download by member id it starts checking for images and it says: 1004 ‘No image found!’
    And then brings me back to the selection without downloading anything.
    Any ideas?

      1. They do have images, I tried with several artists but it doesn’t work with any of them, it always says : 1004 ‘No image found!’ 🙁

        1. Seriously it’s super weird because it never happened to me, I cannot even download a single image, when I try it says
          Image ID (57644804): ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘findAll’
          Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 57644804.html

          1. Weird, you are presented with mobile version of pixiv.net website, which is not supported.

            What is the useragent value in your config.ini? The default is ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)’.
            Try to delete the cookie value in config.ini and retry?

          2. I have the exact same value you described also I deleted the cookie value recently because I saw that you recommended it to another person. I also have “Chrome/37.0.2062.124 Safari/537.36” right next to the value you described, should I delete that?

          3. I try deleting that google and safari part and it did not fix it, at least you identified the problem now I have to figure out how to make the program use the desktop version of pixiv instead of the mobile version, it is the first time I use your program since the windows 10 anniversary edition update, could that be the reason?

          4. I’m also using win10+latest update.
            If you able to access the desktop version, try the cookie login method:
            1. Open Firefox/Chrome.
            2. Login to your pixiv.
            3. Right click the page and select View Page Info -> Security tab (Firefox), or
            Right click on the leftmost address bar/the (i) icon (Chrome)
            5. Click the View Cookies button.
            6. Look for Cookie named = PHPSESSID.
            7. Copy the content value.
            8. Open config.ini, go to [Authentication] section, paste the value to

          5. I got sent to http://www.pixiv.net/whitecube/ every time, super weird, I managed to access the old site with a different account and I can download again but this was a small nightmare and I still don’t know why is that account linked to that version of pixiv but whatever, thank you so much for your help ^^

      2. I’m from China, and I’m sorry for my poor English.
        I have the same problem. Pixiv site upgraded a month ago. Before that upgrade, artist’s address looks like “http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=123456”, but now it changes to “http://www.pixiv.net/whitecube/user/123456”. I think this upgrade may cause that error.
        I recorded a video to help you understand what I meant.
        Thank you.

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