Changelog for 20160726
- Implement #135: convert ugoira to gif.
Required setting in config.ini
createugoira = True
deletezipfile = True
creategif = True
tempfolder = D:/valid_folder/temp - Implement #140: skip image based on blacklisted member id.
Please create blacklist_members.txt in the app folder and set useblacklistmembers = True in config.ini
special note:
- I have change the packaging in py2exe setup, please backup you config files and db, then delete the old files, then extract the new files, then restore the config files from your backup.
Download link for latest version, source code in GitHub.
just drop by and say, your little robust program is really useful, I found it very amazing.
I want to be able to download works and have them downloaded into separate directories for each work with their work date time in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. “YYYY-MM-DD – Title”
filenameformat = %artist% (%member_id%)\%works_date_only% – %title%\%urlFilename% – %title%
filenamemangaformat = %artist% (%member_id%)\%works_date_only% – %title%\%urlFilename% – %title%
This works however the date is in M-D-YYYY format.
Editing date format to %Y-%m-%d gives me errors, changing languages to english or japanese does not solve the problem.
DateFormat only for parsing the works date from the image page, not for filename.
%works_date_only% will follow the pixiv page format. I think if you set the pixiv page to Japanese, it will saved to 2016年7月24日?
Maybe you can raise an enhancement request at github?
I’m not sure how to raise an enhancement request.
go to
Awesome! Thank you for adding member blacklisting!