pixiv downloader 20151112

Change Log for 20151112

  • Fix Issue #96: page 100 is not downloaded for new illust page.
  • Update test page.
  • Implement Feature #95: dump url list to text file.
    Set writeUrlInDescription = True to enable.
    Set urlBlacklistRegex to define url to ignore.
    Set urlDumpFilename to define the dump filename, use python strftime() format.

Download link for pixiv downloader 20151112, source code in GitHub.

Donation Link on the side bar ==> 😀

88 thoughts on “pixiv downloader 20151112”

  1. This is so neat, thank you nandaka!
    Do you have any option to download from my user bookmarks but just a specific tag? I ask this because pixiv did a number on me when I renamed some tags: some bookmarked illustrations don’t appear in All (from where this program downloads) but just in the specific tag pages…

      1. Thanks for the fast reply!
        Nah, they’re not private. Just that pixiv f*cked up after I renamed in English some tags. After I renamed a Ragnarok tag all those illust don’t appear while browsing the basic bookmarks page, but only when I browse the Ragnarok tag.
        It’s ok, I think I’ll mess a bit with the code so that the URL from which it downloads to contain a “?tag=whatever”.

      2. Damn I’m such a n00b. No idea which file to edit. I suppose it’s something in library.zip but I don’t really know which one. Will post a request on github.

        1. well, library.zip only contains compiled python script (pyc). Unless you run from the script, then it might be difficult to do it.

          1. Just added it on github. I am sure it’s a trifle to do, but because I’m just starting on programming the whole editing a compiled script is too much for my n00b skills…
            Thanks again for the program and your fast replies!

      1. Thanks, typing “chcp 932” allows it to run under window’s cmd, though not through its own GUI. Well, take what you can get, i guess. Attempting to force cmd to autorun chcp doesn’t work for running the exe outside cmd.

        1. you can set the regional settings for non-unicode to Japanese or change the default codepage for CMD in properties to Japanese.

  2. My filename format is “%member_token% %works_date_only% ,%tags%,”
    But what if an artists uplaods 2 images with the same tags in the same day? Would I download them both or would it skip one of them?

    1. depends on the config, it may either skip (file already exists) or overwrite (different file size). You better add the image id to make sure the filename is unique.

    1. From the readme.txt:

      dateformat ==> Pixiv DateTime format, leave blank to use default format for
      English or Japanese. Refer to http://strftime.org/ for syntax.
      Quick Reference:
      %d = Day, %m = Month, %Y = Year (4 digit), %H = Hour (24h)
      %M = Minute, %S = Seconds

        1. the dateformat settings is for the pixiv parser, not for the filename.

          So in your case, pixiv is returning 1/21/2016 13:27, so you need to set it to %m/%d/%Y %h:%M

  3. Hello! Two questions need your help.


    In “config.txt”, what are ” daylastupdated = 7 ” and ” checkupdatedlimit = 0 ” means.


    How to copy the log which have downloaded and can use on last version pixiv downloader.

    To avoid download again when I use new pixiv downloader.


    1. 1. Check the readme.txt
      2. Just extract the new release to the same folder (backup your config.ini and db.sqlite, just in case). As long alwayscheckfilesize = False and overwrite = False, it will skip the image if already downloaded.

  4. Hello and Happy Holidays)

    I have two questions this time:
    1) I try to download tag JOJO【腐】500users入り. Pixiv search finds 2400+ pics (exact match). Downloader says

    “2016-01-09 17:21:22,983 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Searching for: (JOJO%E3%80%90%E8%85%90%E3%80%91500users%E5%85%A5%E3%82%8A) JOJO%25E3%2580%2590%25E8%2585%2590%25E3%2580%2591500users%25E5%2585%25A5%25E3%2582%258A
    2016-01-09 17:21:22,984 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Looping… for http://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag_full&word=JOJO%25E3%2580%2590%25E8%2585%2590%25E3%2580%2591500users%25E5%2585%25A5%25E3%2582%258A&p=1&order=date
    2016-01-09 17:21:25,342 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Last page: 1
    2016-01-09 17:22:13,608 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – tags mode.
    2016-01-09 17:23:26,062 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Searching for: (JOJO%E3%80%90%E8%85%90%E3%80%91500users%E5%85%A5%E3%82%8A) JOJO%25E3%2580%2590%25E8%2585%2590%25E3%2580%2591500users%25E5%2585%25A5%25E3%2582%258A
    2016-01-09 17:23:26,065 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Looping… for http://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag_full&word=JOJO%25E3%2580%2590%25E8%2585%2590%25E3%2580%2591500users%25E5%2585%25A5%25E3%2582%258A&p=1&order=date_d
    2016-01-09 17:23:28,377 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Last page: 1

    Same thing with DIO花 tag. What can cause this problem? I use Windows 7 and PxivDownloader version from comment 58 here.

    2) When I choose “Download by tag” and “Oldest first”, how should I input srart and end date – older date as start and newer as edd date or vice versa? Thank you )

    1. 1. Looks like the tags is encoded twice. Either you set the language for non-unicode to Japanese in control panel, or try to prefix with space when entering the tags?

      2. start = older date (e.g. 2015-12-01), end = recent date (e.g. 2016-01-01).

  5. Heyo! Just a quick question, is it possible to set it up so that it would only download the R-18 images from specific artists? For example I have about 65 artists that I only want to rip the R-18 tagged images from, however I have about 200+ artists that I want ALL the images from. Is it possible to do this? The only workaround I can think of is having two separate PixivDownloader folders with two different config files.

  6. Hello, I am using your program for the first time and I’m having some problems understanding the instructions. I would like to download images tagged “ジョジョの奇妙な冒険” from MY bookmarks. Is this possible? This is what I tried:

    input: 10 (Download by Tag and Member Id),
    xxxxxxx (my id),
    1 (first page),
    6 (last page), %E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%81%AE%E5%A5%87%E5%A6%99%E3%81%AA%E5%86%92%E9%99%BA (encoded tag)

    but nothing happens. It just returns me to a blank input. I’ve added my login details to the config (they work). I’m sorry if this sounds very stupid, but I am very confused. Thank you for the assistance and thank you for creating such an awesome program.

      1. Then how do I download from my bookmarked tags? I tried option 11, but it didn’t bring up a tag option and the following error occurred:

        Input: 11
        Member id: xxxxxxx
        Start Page (default=1): 1
        End Page (default=0, 0 for no limit): 8
        Processing Member Id: xxxxxxx
        End Page: 8
        Reading C:UsersMEzansuDownloadsPrgmsPixivUtilconfig.ini …
        Page 1
        Member Url: http://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php?id=xxxxxxx&p=1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 306, in process_member
        File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 52, in __init__
        File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 66, in ParseInfo
        AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find’
        Error at process_member(): (, AttributeError(”
        ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find'”,), )

        Dumping html to: Error page for member xxxxxxx.html
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1603, in main_loop
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1266, in menu_download_by_member_bookmark
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 306, in process_member
        File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 52, in __init__
        File “PixivModel.pyc”, line 66, in ParseInfo
        AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find’
        press enter to exit.

          1. So far it’s working like a beaut. You’re amazing!

            I don’t know if this was on purpose, but when I did “start page = 1” and “end page = 3”, it went and did my 4th page. Just throwing that out there. Thanks for everything! Have a great new year!!

  7. Hello! I love your application, it makes my life waaay lots easier. Not to mention, it free my times too. I’m really surprised that not many of my friend know it. /Tells all of them right after I found and tried Pixiv Batch Downloader/ Thank you so much for making this app.

    I have a little question and problem. I have a lot of pixiv ID that I want to download from, Pixiv Batch Downloader’s group ID does the job but I do this regularly (to update their recent illustration) that it make me think, is there a way to automatic the process?

    I don’t know anything about programming, coding or python, but I wonder if it’s possible to do this:

    Use Windows Scheduler to execute the program regularly > A python that run Pixiv Batch Downloader and automatically choose option, type out the pixiv ID and tag. (Each tag is separated file) (I wonder if this is possible X”DD) > Pixiv Batch Downloader execute

    What do you think? Is it possible?

      1. Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=4393
        Creating directory: C:Windowssystem32nigari5l (614158)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        Error at download_image(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘A
        ccess is denied’), ) at http://i3.pixiv.net/img-
        original/img/2014/06/07/10/49/12/43938598_p0.jpg (9000)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 628, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        Error at process_image(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘Ac
        cess is denied’), )

        Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 43938598.html
        Error at process_tags(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘Acc
        ess is denied’), )

        Dumping html to: Error page for search tags %E9%9D%92%E7%81%AB.html
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1810, in main
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1616, in main_loop
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1371, in menu_download_by_tag_and_member_id
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 769, in process_tags
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 628, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        press enter to exit.

      2. Thank you! I didn’t realized there’s that way. But I encountered a problem when the task run.

        Here’s my last log:

        Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=4393
        Creating directory: C:Windowssystem32nigari5l (614158)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        Error at download_image(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘A
        ccess is denied’), ) at http://i3.pixiv.net/img-
        original/img/2014/06/07/10/49/12/43938598_p0.jpg (9000)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 628, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        Error at process_image(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘Ac
        cess is denied’), )

        Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 43938598.html
        Error at process_tags(): (, WindowsError(5, ‘Acc
        ess is denied’), )

        Dumping html to: Error page for search tags %E9%9D%92%E7%81%AB.html
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1810, in main
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1616, in main_loop
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1371, in menu_download_by_tag_and_member_id
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 769, in process_tags
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 628, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 503, in downloadImage
        File “os.pyc”, line 157, in makedirs
        WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l (614
        press enter to exit.

        My settings:
        Action: Start a program
        Program/script: D:PixivPixivUtil2.exe
        Add argument (optional): -s 10 (the pixiv artist’s id) 1 0 (tag in kanji)

        I’m using https://github.com/Nandaka/PixivUtil2/releases/tag/v20160101-beta1


        1. >> Access is denied: u’C:\Windows\system32\nigari5l

          set the rootdirectory in config.ini to other path, e.g. C:images

      3. Using Shift + Right click on mouse at Pixiv Downloader’s folder and run PixivUtil2.exe -s 10 (pixiv id) 1 0 (tag in japanese), works. (no fails log like the last comment I give), perhaps this has something to do with my computer..?

        P.S. I’m running Windows 7.

  8. Apologies if this was answered somewhere else, but if the computer crashes and you restart downloading again using “6. Download from online image bookmark” does it redownload everything or does it start where it left off?

    1. Depending on the settings, normally it will skip the images that already downloaded (recorded in DB), but if you enable either Overwrite or alwaysCheckFileSize in the config.ini. then it will try to download the picture again. Check the readme.txt for more details

  9. Is there a command or something to enable the download for both R18 pics and non-R18 pics? Cause as it is, if I want all of the pics from a member_id, I need to download twice. Once with R18 mode on and once without it.

    Basically a way to download everything from a user/author without it skipping pics, regardless of if they are R18 or not.

  10. Hello, There’s some problems here

    2015-12-15 19:46:08,233 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=1107096&p=1
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,404 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – [download_image()] URL Error: at http://i3.pixiv.net/img37/profile/dg08031/9226038.png
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,417 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, URLError(error(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’),), ) at http://i3.pixiv.net/img37/profile/dg08031/9226038.png (9002)
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,433 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_member(): (, URLError(error(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’),), )
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,434 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_member(): 1107096
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 348, in process_member
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 118, in download_image
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 199, in open_novisit
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 230, in _mech_open
    File “mechanize_opener.pyc”, line 193, in open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 344, in _open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 332, in _call_chain
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 1142, in http_open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 1118, in do_open
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,434 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: Error page for member 1107096.html
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,446 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Dumping html to: Error page for member 1107096.html
    2015-12-15 19:46:08,457 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Unknown Error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1583, in main_loop
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1248, in menu_download_by_member_id
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 348, in process_member
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 118, in download_image
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 199, in open_novisit
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 230, in _mech_open
    File “mechanize_opener.pyc”, line 193, in open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 344, in _open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 332, in _call_chain
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 1142, in http_open
    File “mechanize_urllib2_fork.pyc”, line 1118, in do_open

    1. >> An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

      Either your internet is unstable, or pixiv server disconnect your connection.

  11. there’s some problems here:

    found 20 images.
    Importing user’s bookmarked image from page 1692
    Source URL: http://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php?p=1692
    found 20 images.
    Importing user’s bookmarked image from page 1693
    Source URL: http://www.pixiv.net/bookmark.php?p=1693
    Error at process_image_bookmark(): (, IncompleteRead(6899 bytes read, 1293 more expected), )
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1593, in main_loop
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1423, in menu_download_from_online_image_bookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 883, in process_image_bookmark
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 918, in get_image_bookmark
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 203, in open
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 249, in _mech_open
    File “mechanize_mechanize.pyc”, line 308, in _set_response
    File “mechanize_html.pyc”, line 629, in set_response
    File “mechanize_response.pyc”, line 190, in read
    File “socket.pyc”, line 351, in read
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 549, in read
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 609, in _read_chunked
    File “httplib.pyc”, line 666, in _safe_read
    IncompleteRead: IncompleteRead(6899 bytes read, 1293 more expected)
    press enter to exit.

  12. Do you think about implement “multiple download threads” for download more than 1 image at the same time?… that would be great for more efficient and faster download rates

  13. hi im having a pb, its my first time using your tool but it looks like im doing something wrong :

    PixivDownloader2 version 20151117-beta1
    Reading E:DLNouveau dossierNouveau dossier (4)pixivutil20151117-beta1config
    .ini …
    Creating database… done.
    Only process member where day last updated >= 7
    Using Username: ******* (i hided it)
    Log in using secure form.
    Server Reply: 正しいパスワードを入力してから、次の画像に表示されている文字を入力
    press enter to exit.

    then the program stops after pressing enter.

    1. I think they added a captcha/image verification when you try to log in based on the error message, which is weird because it doesn’t show up when I tried.

      Can you try cookie login method (check readme.txt for details).

      1. Thank you very much, your work is great u can even download the manga section with it, wich is amazing.
        And also thanks for the quick and clear reply, i wish u the best.

  14. i can’t download images. what should i do?
    2015-12-02 06:04:37,818 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Image ID (53771134): ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode character u’ub144′ in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)
    2015-12-02 06:04:37,819 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: Error medium page for image 53771134.html
    2015-12-02 06:04:38,095 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 53771134.html

  15. I want to batch download a lot of illust_id using list.txt, but PixivUtil2 doesn’t recognize the full URL. What can I do to batch download a lot of links at once?

    1. From readme.txt:
      enableInfiniteLoop ==> Enable infinite loop for download by tags. Only applicable for download in descending order (newest first).

      other than that, get Pixiv Premium.

  16. Is it possible to sort the download backwards from the oldest images to the newest images?

    I mean if I’m downloading page 1 to page 3, the download will start from the last image in the 3rd page, and ended on the first image on the 1st page

      1. Ah it’s about sorting actually ^q^;;

        Say you download a full page of an artist, the first image on the first page will be downloaded first and the next one will be downloaded second etc. This means, the one which will be downloaded last will be the “earliest” image on that pixiv account, and that means the “earliest” image on that pixiv account will be registered as the latest image in the pc I used to download. It’s actually okay, and when I tried to sort the images i downloaded by date, it’s still sorted quite neatly. But the problems come when I want to update the images of that artist that i’ve downloaded. When I downloaded the arts from that artist again, the first one which will be downloaded is the latest art of that artist and going backward until it found the old images that has been downloaded. Now when I tried to sort the images using sort by date, I will get something like this : http://i.imgur.com/bcu8WoQ.jpg

        this kind of problem can be resolved by downloading the images backward 😀

        1. no need to sort by date, just sort by image id will do. The image id always increase (newer image will have bigger number).

  17. did that and it still not working
    here’s the full log:

    PixivDownloader2 version 20151112
    Reading D:config.ini …
    Creating database… done.
    Only process member where day last updated >= 7
    Using Username: //hidden for security measures
    Trying to log with saved cookie
    Cookie already expired/invalid.
    Log in using secure form.
    Logged in
    new cookie value: //hidden for security measures
    Writing config file… Backing up old config to config.ini.bak
    PixivDownloader2 version 20151112
    1. Download by member_id
    2. Download by image_id
    3. Download by tags
    4. Download from list
    5. Download from online user bookmark
    6. Download from online image bookmark
    7. Download from tags list
    8. Download new illust from bookmark
    9. Download by Title/Caption
    10. Download by Tag and Member Id
    11. Download Member Bookmark
    12. Download by Group Id
    d. Manage database
    e. Export online bookmark
    m. Export online user bookmark
    r. Reload config.ini
    p. Print config.ini
    x. Exit
    Input: 2
    Image ids: 52457224
    Processing Image Id: 52457224
    Title: 浜風
    Tags : 浜風(艦隊これくしょん), 艦隊これくしょん, 知ってた, 挟まれたい谷間, 乳風, 擬似フェラ, KENZEN, いか焼き, 秋服浜風/即夜戦, 艦これ500users入り
    Date : 2015-09-10 13:15:00
    Mode : bigNew
    Image URL : http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg
    Filename : D:asmy_filesasmy_pixivSeN (110243)52457224_p0 – 浜風 (浜風(艦隊これくしょん),艦隊これくしょん,知ってた,挟まれたい谷間,乳風,擬似フェラ,KENZEN,いか焼き,秋服浜風_即夜戦,艦これ500users入り).jpg
    Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_files\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 52, 54, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
    Retrying [1]…
    1 2 3 4
    Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_files\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 52, 54, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
    Retrying [2]…
    1 2 3 4
    Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_files\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 52, 54, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
    Retrying [3]…
    1 2 3 4
    Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_files\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 52, 54, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    Error at process_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_files\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 52, 54, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), )
    Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 52457224.html
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1585, in main_loop
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1283, in menu_download_by_image_id
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
    File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
    File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)
    press enter to exit.

    1. I think the root cause is because the application cannot save the file to D:asmy_filesasmy_pixiv, try to change the rootDirectory to the app folder first?

      The error message failed to decode/encode the filename to log file.

      1. have same problem with sun core, tried change root directory in config.ini but didnt help.

      2. have same problem with sun core, tried change root directory in config.ini but nothing changed.
        here is my log=

        2015-11-15 09:17:33,764 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – ###############################################################
        2015-11-15 09:17:33,765 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Starting…
        2015-11-15 09:17:33,767 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Setting log level to: DEBUG
        2015-11-15 09:17:33,768 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – No default cookie jar available, creating…
        2015-11-15 09:17:33,771 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Only process member where day last updated >= 7
        2015-11-15 09:17:36,980 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Trying to log with saved cookie
        2015-11-15 09:17:39,831 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Login successfull.
        2015-11-15 09:17:39,832 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Logged in using cookie
        2015-11-15 09:20:02,863 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Member id mode.
        2015-11-15 09:20:11,181 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Unknown Error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘Printing member list:’
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
        np_is_valid, op_is_valid, selection = main_loop(ewd, mode, op_is_valid, selection, np_is_valid, args)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1583, in main_loop
        menu_download_by_member_id(mode, op_is_valid, args)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1244, in menu_download_by_member_id
        (page, end_page) = get_start_and_end_number()
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1118, in get_start_and_end_number
        page_num = int(page_num)
        ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘Printing member list:’
        2015-11-15 09:20:11,182 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – EXIT: -1
        2015-11-15 09:20:11,182 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – ###############################################################
        2015-11-15 09:20:40,294 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – ###############################################################
        2015-11-15 09:20:40,294 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Starting…
        2015-11-15 09:20:40,297 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Setting log level to: DEBUG
        2015-11-15 09:20:40,298 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – No default cookie jar available, creating…
        2015-11-15 09:20:40,301 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Only process member where day last updated >= 7
        2015-11-15 09:20:43,299 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Trying to log with saved cookie
        2015-11-15 09:20:46,047 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Login successfull.
        2015-11-15 09:20:46,047 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Logged in using cookie
        2015-11-15 09:21:00,216 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Member id mode.
        2015-11-15 09:21:05,291 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Processing Member Id: 3193378
        2015-11-15 09:21:05,297 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Member Url: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3193378&p=1
        2015-11-15 09:21:09,096 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: /home/des/testi/電磁砲二期 (3193378)/folder.jpg
        2015-11-15 09:21:09,096 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3193378&p=1
        2015-11-15 09:21:10,326 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’/home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg’, 16, 21, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i2.pixiv.net/img78/profile/misakamitoko0903/4300962.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 09:21:14,331 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3193378&p=1
        2015-11-15 09:21:15,705 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’/home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg’, 16, 21, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i2.pixiv.net/img78/profile/misakamitoko0903/4300962.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 09:21:19,710 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3193378&p=1
        2015-11-15 09:21:20,601 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’/home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg’, 16, 21, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i2.pixiv.net/img78/profile/misakamitoko0903/4300962.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 09:21:24,606 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3193378&p=1
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,227 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’/home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg’, 16, 21, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i2.pixiv.net/img78/profile/misakamitoko0903/4300962.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,227 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_member(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’/home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg’, 16, 21, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), )
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,227 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_member(): 3193378
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 348, in process_member
        __config__.retry, __config__.backupOldFile)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 83, in download_image
        if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
        File “/usr/lib/python2.7/genericpath.py”, line 26, in exists
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 16-20: ordinal not in range(128)
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,228 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: Error page for member 3193378.html
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,256 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Dumping html to: Error page for member 3193378.html
        2015-11-15 09:21:25,257 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Unknown Error: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 16-20: ordinal not in range(128)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
        np_is_valid, op_is_valid, selection = main_loop(ewd, mode, op_is_valid, selection, np_is_valid, args)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1583, in main_loop
        menu_download_by_member_id(mode, op_is_valid, args)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1248, in menu_download_by_member_id
        process_member(mode, member_id, page=page, end_page=end_page)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 348, in process_member
        __config__.retry, __config__.backupOldFile)
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 83, in download_image
        if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
        File “/usr/lib/python2.7/genericpath.py”, line 26, in exists
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 16-20: ordinal not in range(128)
        2015-11-15 09:21:31,607 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – EXIT: -1

        1. >> /home/des/testi/u96fbu78c1u7832u4e8cu671f (3193378)/folder.jpg

          Are you using linux/unix? Cos I’m not sure with linux/unix environment. Do you have unicode support on the terminal?

          I’m only using windows, and it is working properly.

          1. yes using linux, terminal should support it coz can paste hiraganas there.
            dunno about python tho, using 2.7.

          2. Try to do these things? I think the 2nd one is more important
            – export LANG=en_US.UTF-8. PuTTY does not set locales right, when they are not set, python does not know what to write (Thanks to nho!)
            – … and export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8, so it can create DB and populate it properly (Thanks to Mailia!)

      3. here look:

        PixivDownloader2 version 20151112
        Reading D:asmy_pixivconfig.ini …
        Creating database… done.
        Only process member where day last updated >= 7
        Using Username: //hidden
        Trying to log with saved cookie
        Cookie already expired/invalid.
        Log in using secure form.
        Logged in
        new cookie value: //hidden
        Writing config file… Backing up old config to config.ini.bak
        PixivDownloader2 version 20151112
        1. Download by member_id
        2. Download by image_id
        3. Download by tags
        4. Download from list
        5. Download from online user bookmark
        6. Download from online image bookmark
        7. Download from tags list
        8. Download new illust from bookmark
        9. Download by Title/Caption
        10. Download by Tag and Member Id
        11. Download Member Bookmark
        12. Download by Group Id
        d. Manage database
        e. Export online bookmark
        m. Export online user bookmark
        r. Reload config.ini
        p. Print config.ini
        x. Exit
        Input: 2
        Image ids: 52457224
        Processing Image Id: 52457224
        Title: 浜風
        Tags : 浜風(艦隊これくしょん), 艦隊これくしょん, 知ってた, 挟まれたい谷間, 乳風, 擬似フェラ, KENZEN, いか焼き, 秋服浜風/即夜戦, 艦これ500users入り
        Date : 2015-09-10 13:15:00
        Mode : bigNew
        Image URL : http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg
        Filename : D:asmy_pixivSeN (110243)52457224_p0 – 浜風 (浜風(艦隊これくしょん),艦隊これくしょん,知ってた,挟まれたい谷間,乳風,擬似フェラ,KENZEN,い か焼き,秋服浜風_即夜戦,艦これ500users入り).jpg
        Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        Retrying [1]…
        1 2 3 4
        Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        Retrying [2]…
        1 2 3 4
        Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        Retrying [3]…
        1 2 3 4
        Start downloading… Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Error at process_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), )
        Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 52457224.html
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1585, in main_loop
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1283, in menu_download_by_image_id
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        press enter to exit.

      4. and here’s the log from pixiv.util.log

        2015-11-15 19:17:35,401 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Log in using secure form.
        2015-11-15 19:17:41,040 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Logging in, return url: http://www.pixiv.net/
        2015-11-15 19:17:41,042 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Logged in
        2015-11-15 19:17:41,043 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – new cookie value: //hidden
        2015-11-15 19:18:02,497 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Image id mode.
        2015-11-15 19:18:12,921 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: D:asmy_pixivSeN (110243)52457224_p0 – 浜風 (浜風(艦隊これくしょん),艦隊これくしょん,知ってた,挟まれたい谷間,乳風,擬似フェラ,KENZEN,いか焼き,秋服浜風_即夜戦,艦これ500users入り).jpg
        2015-11-15 19:18:12,930 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:14,203 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:15,186 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 19:18:19,190 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:19,700 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:19,934 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 19:18:23,938 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:24,193 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:25,767 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 19:18:29,778 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:30,572 – PixivUtil20151112 – INFO – Using Referer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52457224
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,130 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at download_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), ) at http://i1.pixiv.net/img-original/img/2015/09/10/13/15/14/52457224_p0.jpg (9000)
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,148 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_image(): (, UnicodeEncodeError(‘ascii’, u’D:\asmy_pixiv\SeN (110243)\52457224_p0 – u6d5cu98a8 (u6d5cu98a8(u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093),u8266u968au3053u308cu304fu3057u3087u3093,u77e5u3063u3066u305f,u631fu307eu308cu305fu3044u8c37u9593,u4e73u98a8,u64ecu4f3cu30d5u30a7u30e9,KENZEN,u3044u304bu713cu304d,u79cbu670du6d5cu98a8_u5373u591cu6226,u8266u3053u308c500usersu5165u308a).jpg’, 41, 43, ‘ordinal not in range(128)’), )
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,148 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Error at process_image(): 52457224
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,148 – PixivUtil20151112 – DEBUG – Sanitized Filename: Error medium page for image 52457224.html
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,253 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Dumping html to: Error medium page for image 52457224.html
        2015-11-15 19:18:31,269 – PixivUtil20151112 – ERROR – Unknown Error: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1795, in main
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1585, in main_loop
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 1283, in menu_download_by_image_id
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 625, in process_image
        File “PixivUtil2.py”, line 119, in download_image
        File “PixivHelper.pyc”, line 506, in downloadImage
        UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 41-42: ordinal not in range(128)

  18. try to download this image id 52457224

    it gives me

    UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 52-53: ordinal not in range(128)

    1. weird, it is working properly in my pc. What is the full log file? Try to set the Language for Non-Unicode Program to Japanese.

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