Change Log:
- Fix unhandled exception for copy log if no selected text.
- Fix unhandled exception if downloading from Sankaku.
- Fix blacklist tag function.
Download link forĀ danbooru downloader 20130201, source code in GitHub.
You can report any bug through GitHub issue tracker (better) or in the comment.
but i still have problem
Weird, upload the log file to pastebin. You can find it on the same folder with the application.
it has fixed automatic
i cant download only danbooru(sonohara) since danbooru site showing tos
You need to accept the TOS before you can download from danbooru. Open their website and accept the TOS. Please note if you are using proxy, they might unable to record the acceptance.
i did it before you have replied
danbooru doesnt work, try it on!
working on my pc, what is the error message?
Have you read the readme.txt?
you have to try downloader
and readme.txt is nothing
you made me sick
no comment then…
Dunno what is your problem, as you didn’t put any error message/screen shot/log files. Anyway, feel free not to use my application, I can recommend you to use imgbrd-grabber as alternative.
You can make a full patch is saved? in the future, you can open and download
full Batch Mode*
you mean the list for Full Batch Mode?