Change Log:
- Add HTML parser for Sankaku Complex + Idol Complex support.
- Happy New Year 2013!
Please note the HTML parser for Sankaku Complex might be incomplete, please report any bug with screen shot and log file.
Please note that API access for Sankaku Complex is partially disabled for post retrieval (check on their forum), this is only for temporary solution.
Download link for danbooru downloader 20130101, source code in GitHub.
Donate link here or in the sidebar!
can you add these sites to the list? I’ve tried to do it myself but it doesn’t work… thanks
See the latest post 😀
i cant still download files in danbooru.donmai
Redownload the zip file again, extract it to different folder, and try to change your username/password to simpler one first for testing.
I have tried on my side and I can download from Danbooru, so not sure what is your problem here…
Hey, new user here.
Even after inputting my login info and setting UseAuth to true, I still encounter Error 403.
Is this how you are meant to key in your login info, or am I doing it wrong?
Is it for Danbooru? Can you give me more details? Please note that danbooru only allow you to search for 2 keyword max.
Enable useAuth.
I can get the list from danbooru in my side. Can you double check the username and password again? The salt used is
hi nandaka,
I was wondering if you would be able to add an option to Danbooru Downloader to save a list of search tags similar to Pixiv Downloader. In which there is a list.txt file that keeps a library of search tags, and you have the option to go through the list, or a new search.
Ok i seem to be getting some post total missmatches with Gelbooru a good example would be the artist tag “null_(nyanpyoun)” on site post number is 312 but the downloader says 291 and when i set a batch job it only downloads 295 am i missing a setting or could this be a bug?
295 is the number returned from the server by danbooru API (, and if you download the xml, it only have 295 post element. So from API perspective, the application is correct.
So how do i get it download all of the images or is that impossible at the moment?
not possible. the application is depended on the API call to get the image list for gelbooru.
then that kinda makes this application pointless if it can’t get 100% of the images don’t you think?
Depend on your usage, I’d rather to follow the API first. If they block the API, then I’ll do the HTML parser like in Sankaku.