Updated: Danbooru Downloader 201201002

Change Log:

  • Update url checking for Sankaku Complex.
  • Update logging. (201201002)
  • Update ExtendedWebClient’s proxy. (201201002)

Please note that the provider name must contains “Sankaku Complex” before the parser try to resolve the url.

Download link for Danbooru Downloader 20121001 Danbooru Downloader 20121002, source code in GitHub.

15 thoughts on “Updated: Danbooru Downloader 201201002”

  1. Hello, first of all my great thanks for developing this app. It is very useful for downloading batches of images and facilitates image archiving with various features like included taggings. Secondly, I have a suggestion to make to improve it further. There should be an option to cancel several tags from being written to the filename in order to avoid reaching a high filename length and so the 255 character limit, instead of doing it manually after the batch download has been completed. E.g.: not including the tag query to be saved in the filename and so on. I hope you’ll take this into consideration in your following updates.

  2. Working, but I can’t set Default/Hard Limit for Sankaku Complex. It’s fixed to 20 posts per page.

    1. More details, please? I have tested in windows xp and 7, and it is working. It takes time to get the url after you add to the Download List. The url column should change from Loading… to the actual url. Try to right click on the download list and select ‘Resolve URL’

      As for batch mode, it should shown a log like ‘[DoBatchJob] Getting file_url from http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/1836835‘ and then followed by ‘[DoBatchJob] Download: http://chan.sankakustatic.com/data/77/50/775023511f6fbccc9bc481f9790aa228.jpg%5D. At least give me the screen shot and the log file, so I can check.

      1. It’s not showing on Download List either.

        this is the logs:

        file_url for row: 9[DownloadRow] no valid file_url for row: 10[DownloadRow] no valid file_url for row: 11[DownloadRow] no valid file_url for row: 12[DownloadRow] no valid file_url for row: 13….

        btw, it’s work on Full Batch Mode.

        1. give me the screenshot of the Download list with item added from Sankaku. It should show Loading in the url and then it will automatically updated with the correct url after a while.

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