Archive Comparer 20120922

Just updating my old application. In a sense it is like Easy Duplicate File Finder, but this comparing the archive contents.

Change log:

  • Add separator for each duplicated group.
  • Add confirmation when closing the form if there still any entry.

Download link for Archive Comparer 20120922, source code in GitHub.

12 thoughts on “Archive Comparer 20120922”

  1. Hi, I just tried this nifty program and it is great!
    Will there be an option to auto pick from the duplicate list?

    1. Not yet, mostly because I will rarely use the auto pick scenario (mostly because of the filename).

      Maybe I can add to autocheck all duplicated item (keep only the original)

      1. That’s helpful too! (Was thinking about checking based on paths and showing duplicates only if they are in different/same base folder.)

  2. sorry this reply is for Pixiv Downloader…I mis-post…x_X
    this code will insert %page_index% to my filenamemangaformat in config.ini
    and throw out below message:
    No page identifier, appending %page_index% to the filename manga format

  3. Hi…I found a bug about manga mode (./ +135):

    if _filenameMangaFormat.find(‘%urlFilename%’) == -1:
    if _filenameMangaFormat.find(‘%page_index%’) == -1 and _filenameMangaFormat.find(‘%page_index%’) == -1:
    print ‘No page identifier, appending %page_index% to the filename manga format.’
    _filenameMangaFormat = _filenameMangaFormat + unicode(‘ %page_index%’)
    print “_filenameMangaFormat =”, _filenameMangaFormat
    haveError = True

    Cannot set manga mode to “%artist% (%member_id%)%artist% (%member_id%) – %title% (%image_id%) – p%page_number%”, I like use this format 🙁 (Not using index(0-base) but number(1-base))

    1. What is the complete error message? Give me the image id to test.
      EDIT: ignore that, misread your comment, source code updated.

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