Change log:
- HTML parser for SankakuComplex to get the file_url.
- The parser will run when the post is add to the download list (lazy loading), so it takes sometime before you can start the download. If you add a lot of post in one go, it might make the application unresponsive (1 post is running 1 webclient).
- For batch download, it will evaluate for each post to get the url serially
Download link for Danbooru Downloader 20120908, source code in GitHub.
Just wanted to thank you for all the effort you are putting in making stuff work for us. Sankaku support is really appreciated, and your application is outstanding. Have a nice day man.
Do i need any additional file to make the Application work?
I tried to put a tag and the source but it didn’t work.
> Provider: Sankaku Complex
> Tag: dmyo
> Source:
Then i pressed Get but a message appeared, it said: ” No post “…
Beside that, on the first time i open the application, a small window appear, i also put source’s link and tag’s into it, but a message pop-up: ” Unhandling…..”
No need for the source, just put the tag. The source text box is for querying by source, for example: in the sankaku channel website, you key in in the search bar, in this application you key in in the source text box. You can confirm it from the generated query.
Basically the Tags text box is similar with the search box in the website, the other text boxes are just a shortcut. You can key in the source in the tags text box using ‘source:xyz’ format or just key in the ‘xyz’ portion on the source text box.
If still have error, tell me the detailed step to generate the error, including screen shot (upload it to and the unhandler exception message (upload it to pastebin).
How to make it work Nandaka-san? I tried to download a tag on Sankaku.
This is what i do:
– Provider: Sankaku Complex
– Tag: dmyo
– Source:
And the message no post appeared.
In the first time i opened the downloader, a small window appeared, and i do nearly the same thing as above, but it said ” unhandled…” and close the application.
What should i do? Please teach me Nandaka-san :(.
I can’t get this to work, I only get root element is missing error.
give me more detailed error.
Maybe you can make downloader to mangafox?
Nope, this is only for image board, and I prefer to download get the scans directly from the scanlator. I think there is already a downloader for that, try google 🙂
Just wondering if I have missed the option or if it is possible to add, but I would like it so if the %character% tag returns more than one item it would be just replaced with something like group?
Currently there is no option for that. Give me the replacement rule and I’ll try to implement it 🙂
Sexy 😀
Just looking at something like ‘If %character% > 1 replace with group’.