Danbooru Downloader 20120512

Change log:

  • Add option to backup the tags.xml before updating.
  • Add option to merge the tags.xml after updating (slow!).
  • Clear the page number text box if provider selection is changed.
  • Add logging using log4net, saved to log-yyyy-mm-dd.txt.
  • Fix hard limit and default limit bug, now always use the hard limit if given limit is over the hard limit.
  • Change Add Batch Download behaviour, each provider as separate job.

Download link here, source code in Github.

15 thoughts on “Danbooru Downloader 20120512”

  1. Will it be an option to backup batch download jobs in txt file, and load them after?. When you close the program, all jobs are cleaned.

  2. I updated today my pretty old version of Danbooru Downloader… At first i was a bit confused how to get the Tags.xml-thingy working… but well i did it now. I use currently now the Danbooru tags.xml, bit I’m downloading from gelbooru.com… is that okay? There isn’t an option for downloading a gelbooru tags.xml… If I don’t use the right tags.xml (like using yander.re xml when i download from danbooru), what’s happening then?

    1. >> There isnโ€™t an option for downloading a gelbooru tags.xml
      because there is no API from gelbooru to download the tags

      >> Iโ€™m downloading from gelbooru.comโ€ฆ is that okay?
      it is ok. if there is any unknown tag, it will be treated as general tag

  3. “Fix hard limit and default limit bug, now always use the hard limit if given limit is over the hard limit.”
    I don’t quite understand what you mean here.

    1. previously, when you set up the default limit more than the hard limit, it will still uses the default limit. when you query using limit more than the hard limit, the server will only return you up to the hard limit specified on the server.

      Taken from your setting, when you set up the default limit to 100k and hard limit to 1k, the batch job still uses the 100k in the list query, when it should try to get 1k per request. Anyway I think the default hard limit for danbooru based board is 1k.

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