Add SSL Login support (set useSSl in Authentication to True).
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11 thoughts on “pixiv downloader 20120505”
can we download an artists bookmarks?
Hi! I love your program! I was wondering, is it possible to set it to only download images with a certain number of bookmarks/favorites? So instead of downloading every image on a tag, it would only download images with over 100 bookmarks, for example.
I noticed this while download few images.(Above the red line)
So when there’s some network problem or anything that cause it to download only partial of a image, it won’t detect that and restart download? Are there any error handling in Pixiv Downloader dealing with this issue?
Something like after every single download(image/manga) finished , check the filesize to make sure they match the original size?
currently there is no file size checking after the download complete, usually if there is network problem in windows, python will throw an exception (timeout/etc) so the download will be restarted. I will add additional check after the download finished then.
Thanks so much! It would be very helpful 😀
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how exactly does tags.txt work? If I add two tags to tags.txt would it search for images containing these two tags or would it search for the first tag and then the second tag? How would I group tags together for searching within tags.txt? Normally, I would do this with Japanese localisation, but since I’m not using Japanese localisation for this machine, I have to resort to tags.txt to download.
if you put the tags in one line, then it will search for images containing those tags.
each line is treated as one separate search.
Why when i want to login i always got wrong username or password?
i tried direct and from config but both give me same reaction
i also tried login in via Google chrome and mozilla, both are working
and i don’t know how to login via cookie…
Are you using any special character for the username/password? try to set usessl to True. Anyway it is working in my pc.
For Chrome, you can get the cookie value by login to your pixiv, and right-click=>inspect element, select Resources tab => select Cookies => select, look for PHPSESSID entry and copy the value to the config.ini.
Ah it connect to pixiv using cookies. . . yay thanks a lot =w=)b
can we download an artists bookmarks?
Hi! I love your program! I was wondering, is it possible to set it to only download images with a certain number of bookmarks/favorites? So instead of downloading every image on a tag, it would only download images with over 100 bookmarks, for example.
I noticed this while download few images.(Above the red line)
So when there’s some network problem or anything that cause it to download only partial of a image, it won’t detect that and restart download? Are there any error handling in Pixiv Downloader dealing with this issue?
Something like after every single download(image/manga) finished , check the filesize to make sure they match the original size?
currently there is no file size checking after the download complete, usually if there is network problem in windows, python will throw an exception (timeout/etc) so the download will be restarted. I will add additional check after the download finished then.
Thanks so much! It would be very helpful 😀
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how exactly does tags.txt work? If I add two tags to tags.txt would it search for images containing these two tags or would it search for the first tag and then the second tag? How would I group tags together for searching within tags.txt? Normally, I would do this with Japanese localisation, but since I’m not using Japanese localisation for this machine, I have to resort to tags.txt to download.
if you put the tags in one line, then it will search for images containing those tags.
each line is treated as one separate search.
Why when i want to login i always got wrong username or password?
i tried direct and from config but both give me same reaction
i also tried login in via Google chrome and mozilla, both are working
and i don’t know how to login via cookie…
thx in advance
my pixiv util config is :
proxyaddress =
useproxy = False
useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Unix i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1
debughttp = False
userobots = True
filenameformat = %artist% (%member_id%)%image_id% – %title%
timeout = 60
uselist = False
processfromdb = True
overwrite = False
tagsseparator = ,
daylastupdated = 7
rootdirectory = D:[DOWNLOAD]-BATCH DOWNLOAD-Pixiv Downloader
retry = 3
retrywait = 5
createdownloadlists = False
downloadlistdirectory = .
irfanviewpath = C:Program FilesIrfanView
startirfanview = False
startirfanslide = False
alwayscheckfilesize = False
checkupdatedlimit = 0
downloadavatar = True
createmangadir = False
usetagsasdir = False
useblacklisttags = False
usesuppresstags = False
tagslimit = -1
numberofpage = 0
username = (my pixiv username)
password = (my pixiv password)
cookie =
usessl = False
Are you using any special character for the username/password? try to set usessl to True. Anyway it is working in my pc.
For Chrome, you can get the cookie value by login to your pixiv, and right-click=>inspect element, select Resources tab => select Cookies => select, look for PHPSESSID entry and copy the value to the config.ini.
Ah it connect to pixiv using cookies. . . yay thanks a lot =w=)b
Excellent work! Thanks so much.