Got free time, have nothing to do and bored, result:
- Updated my apps for batch downloading from *booru compatible image board, now supporting XML for defining the *booru site, I’m separating the list from my apps, so you can add your own list of *booru board.
- Supporting XML or JSON for image list retrieval.
- Saving the retrieved list.
- Using WebClient class for downloading and use the Asynchronous method for download = more responsive UI and I don’t need to handle the lower things 🙂
- Needs .NET 4
- Screen shoot:
Main tab:
- Provider: The *booru image board list, loaded from DanbooruProviderList.xml.
- JSON/XML radio button: some site won’t allow you to listing the XML, so use JSON.
- Generated: generate the query using provided text boxes or you can enter manually.
- Tag, Limit, Source, Page, Order by, and Rating: basically the query for searching.
- Get button: get the list!
- List File: Load saved list.
- Save: Save folder.
- List button: Show the list contents.
- Clear list: Clear the list.
- Download/Pause: Download selected images. For pausing, it will wait until the last download finished.
- Save Query: Save the query to file, or just show it.
- Auto Load List: Automatically load the list content (ignored if Save query is not checked).
- Append List: Append the list
- Load Preview: Load the preview images.
- Auto Load Next Page: Load the next available page (wait for 500ms), will append the list .
Settings tab:
- Proxy Address, Proxy Port, and Use Proxy: proxy configuration.
- User agent: User agent setting.
- Filename format: format of the file for saving.
- Filename Length Limit: Windows have limit for the filename, so this is used for controlling the cut.
- Overwrite File.
- Save button: saving the config.
DanbooruProviderList.xml format:
- Name: Image board name.
- URL: Image board complete url
- Query String JSON: usually /post/index.json?, %_query% will be replaced with actual query from the apps
- Query String XML:usually /post/index.xml?, %_query% will be replaced with actual query from the apps
- Preferred: Xml or Json, some site usually only allow Json
- Default limit: ignored for now…
Get it in here, and as usual, use at your own risk 🙂
How to select all picture from the list?????
please check the latest version, there should be a button for selecting all images.
Your program is amazing and very easy to use.
I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to suggest a couple of addtions:
– a select all button to select all images from the list
– a %search% tag, so that a person may organize their downloads based on the tag they are searching on danbooru.
Thank you for everything!
Thanks 🙂