danbooru downloader 20130929

Change Log:

  • Add tag parser for Sankaku Complex.
  • Fix Form Provider save feature.
  • Use short version for rating for Sankaku Complex.
  • Fix batch job xml loading.

Download link for danbooru downloader 20130929, source code in github.

Download link for tags.xml from sankaku. Donation link on the sidebar :D

Note: Tags downloading from Sankaku Complex is very slow, as you need to iterate all 9500+ page to get the list.

11 thoughts on “danbooru downloader 20130929”

    1. Weird, only the /post/show/3408875 got error 503, the rest is error 429, which is normal as Sankaku is using rate limiter.

  1. Sankaku as always is fighting the batch.
    [DoBatchJob] Getting file_url from http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/3408875
    [DoBatchJob] Error Resolving FileUrl (1 of 5): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Wait for 60s.
    [DoBatchJob] Retrying…
    [DoBatchJob] Error Resolving FileUrl (2 of 5): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Wait for 60s.
    [DoBatchJob] Retrying…
    [DoBatchJob] Error Resolving FileUrl (3 of 5): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Wait for 60s.
    [DoBatchJob] Retrying…
    [DoBatchJob] Error Resolving FileUrl (4 of 5): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Wait for 60s.
    [DoBatchJob] Retrying…
    [DoBatchJob] Error Resolving FileUrl (5 of 5): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Wait for 60s.
    [DoBatchJob] Retrying…
    [DoBatchJob] Download skipped, ID: 3408875 No file_url, probably deleted
    However using any other browser I can access that page fine. Currently setup to use auth, not banned, some images load fine.
    Is there some other settings I should change regarding cookies/user agent?

    Awesome program, thanks. Even if Sankaku is being troublesome.

  2. Hai, Nandaka.
    I can`t download tags from danbooru, checkbox “Use Loop” doesn`t work. And not only on danbooru.
    Anyway, thanks for the app.

  3. Hey Nandaka. Thanks for this awesome program.

    For some reason, Sankaku Complex (and maybe some others too, I haven’t thoroughly checked) doesn’t always have the tags in alphabetical order. So, e.g., if I’m using “%character%%md5%” as the filename format, then I end up with folders like:
    CharacterA CharacterB
    CharacterB CharacterA

    Of course, it is possible to manually merge them later, but for a lot of folders it gets annoying. Plus it introduces opportunities for human error. Is there any way to make the downloader alphabetize the tags for the destination path?


  4. Hi Nandaka,

    I really appreciate this great program. However, I am encountering some error when trying to download from Sankaku Complex.

    From the log:

    [DoBatchJob] Processing Batch Job#0
    [DoBatchJob] Downloading list: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=yuri&limit=1000&page=1&login=redacted&password_hash=redacted
    [DoBatchJob] Error: There is an error in XML document (86236, 61).
    Inner: ‘’, hexadecimal value 0x0E, is an invalid character. Line 86236, position 61.
    Stack Trace:
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.DAO.DanbooruTagsDao..ctor(String xmlTagFile)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.Entity.DanbooruProvider.LoadProviderTagCollection()
    at DanbooruDownloader3.Helper.ParseTags(String p, DanbooruProvider provider)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.Engine.SankakuComplexParser.Parse(String data, DanbooruSearchParam searchParam)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.DAO.DanbooruPostDao..ctor(Stream input, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.FormMain.GetBatchImageList(String url, String query, DanbooruBatchJob job)
    at DanbooruDownloader3.FormMain.DoBatchJob(BindingList`1 batchJob)
    Query: yuri

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